How many types of commercial doors are there?

There are many types of doors both in function and competition.  We cannot be completely sure on how many or what they are because the industry adds them whenever there is a need great enough to do so.  But we have listed what we are aware of and why, below:

Hollow Metal Doors:  Hollow metal doors are usually 18 gauge metal doors filled with polystyrene or a paper honeycomb material.

Wood Doors:  Wood Doors come in many different construction types.  But most fall under a few different types, Hollow Core, Solid Core, Stave Core, Particle Core, Mineral Core.  All of these cores are for different applications and fire ratings however as a installer it is helpful to at lease know what they are.

FRP Doors:  FRP doors come in many different types as there are several different manufacturers.  But typically all are water proof exterior applications and used for places that are too wet (wood) or too corrosive (metal) for normal wood or metal doors.

Fire Doors: A fire doors are placed in areas that the Architect deems necessary to slow the progression of a fire.  Anywhere there is a fire wall that needs an access point or passage through that wall is required to be rated to an adequate amount of time to match the wall its in.  A fire door must have a readable fire label either on the hinge side or on the top of the door in order to be valid.

Sound Proof Doors:  Sound proof doors or acoustical doors, are built to absorb or not let sound pass through them. These doors are usually accompanied by a large amount of applied weatherstripping, sweeps or auto door bottoms.

Bullet Proof Doors:  installed in military installations, government buildings, police stations, and many other commercial buildings, bullet proof doors are made to absorb or withstand penetration from many different calibers of weapons.

Blast Doors:  Installed in military installations, police stations, and many government buildings, Blast doors are made to absorb or withstand explosive blasts.

Lead Doors:  Lead lined doors are typically used in x-ray rooms and hospitals were x-rays or radiation is a risk.

Stainless Steel:  Stainless steel doors are often used in commercial kitchens and food production facilities to combat diseases.  These doors are made of stainless steel so that they can stand up to being repeatedly washed and rinsed down and easily cleaned.


3 thoughts on “How many types of commercial doors are there?

  1. Luke Smith says:

    I like that you mentioned how hollow metal doors are usually 18 gauge metal doors filled with polystyrene or a paper honeycomb material. I was watching a video earlier how a commercial building was built and I saw how they installed some commercial doors. From what I’ve heard, it seems there are companies nowadays that offer commercial door installation services too.

    • Steven Seigler says:

      Hello Luke, Doors are a much larger industry that people know. We are a door and hardware distributor for the US but only install locally. If you are interested in getting into the business, let me know.. Id love to help.

      Steve Seigler

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